The National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans Commends Senator Durbin and Senator Cortez Masto for Introduction of the Worker Health Coverage Protection Act
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Statement On The Introduction Of The Worker Health Coverage Protection Act
Washington, D.C. – September 24, 2020 – The National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans (NCCMP) Executive Director Michael Scott issued the following statement commending Senator Dick Durbin and Senator Catherine Cortez Masto for introduction of the Worker Health Coverage Protection Act:
“The “Worker Health Coverage Protection Act” will provide vital assistance to millions of American workers and their families who face loss of health coverage due to the pandemic of COVID-19, which has resulted in an unprecedented collapse of the U.S. economy, putting more than 61.9 million hard working Americans out of work in the twenty-seven weeks ending September 19th. This compares to the worst twenty-seven weeks during the 2008-2009 financial crisis of 16.9 million unemployed.
“The bill will allow workers who have lost their jobs or have had a severe reduction in hours to maintain their current health coverage without interruption. Like the similar provision in the Heroes Act, the bill would provide premium assistance for 100 percent of the cost of COBRA coverage for up to nine months. This assistance will ensure stability for workers and their employers as we continue to address the immediate crisis and work toward economic recovery.
“We commend Senator Durbin and Senator Cortez Masto for their commitment to ensuring health coverage for American workers and their families, and applaud the introduction of the Worker Health Coverage Protection Act.”
About NCCMP: The National Coordinating Committee on Multiemployer Plans is a non- partisan, nonprofit, tax-exempt social welfare organization created in 1974 with members, plans, unions and contributing employers in every major segment of the multiemployer universe. The NCCMP is the only national organization devoted exclusively to representing the interests of multiemployer plans, organized labor and the job-creating employers of America who jointly sponsor them, and the more than 20 million active and retired American workers and their families who rely on multiemployer retirement and welfare plans. The NCCMP’s purpose is to assure an environment in which multiemployer plans can continue their vital role in providing retirement, health, training, and other benefits to America’s working men and women. https://nccmp.org
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