Trump Signals a Halt on Coronavirus Relief, Putting Families and Economy at Risk
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Trump Signals His Intent To Wait On Coronavirus Relief
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This afternoon, President Trump signaled his intent to wait to secure additional coronavirus relief for American small businesses, workers, and their families until after Election Day — but indicated that lawmakers should still move full speed ahead on Amy Coney Barrett’s approval for the vacant Supreme Court seat formerly held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The news follows a House vote today to pass a revised version of the $2.2 trillion HEROES Act — leaving yet another relief bill to languish in the hands of Trump’s Senate allies. Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell warned just this morning of potentially “tragic” and disastrous economic consequences if stimulus money is delayed any further.
A recent poll also shows that three in four Americans would prefer that Congress prioritize passing a new relief bill over jamming Barrett through the approvals process.
“Economic experts and working Americans agree: the time for Congress to secure a new aid deal is now,” said Kyle Herrig, president of Accountable.US. “Unfortunately, President Trump and his Senate allies don’t feel the same. While Trump and his friends in Congress prioritize Barrett’s nomination over new coronavirus relief, American families and small businesses — and by extension, the nation’s economy — continue to suffer.”
Accountable.US is a nonpartisan watchdog group that exposes corruption across all levels of government.
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