Thankful to Trade Scared in the Home of the Brave

I’m so thankful to live in the home of the brave … It gives me the freedom to trade scared!

I love my great country. And I love that where I’m from gives me the freedom to pursue the laptop lifestyle and to be a trader and teacher.

I recognize that this lifestyle would not be possible without the brave members of the U.S. military.

This Memorial Day, I want to celebrate our soldiers, both past and present, who have dedicated so much to protect our safety and rights.

Without them, we might not be able to trade so freely…

Instead of being frustrated that the market’s closed on Monday, I want you to take some time to reflect on and appreciate those who have given so much to secure our everyday freedom.

Respect your good fortune! Use this time to study, catch up on my YouTube videos and Trading Challenge lessons, and BE PREPARED for when the market opens on Tuesday.

Plus, in honor of Memorial Day, StocksToTrade has an incredible sale going on — click here to learn more! I’ll share the details below**…

Why Freedom Matters

Freedom is one of the things I value most — both as a trader and a human being.

I love traveling and going on adventures. I love moving through the world and doing good through my charity, Karmagawa.

The past year or so has definitely been a challenge for someone like me who loves to travel. I’m just now getting back to moving freely around the world and opening schools again…


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But this time has also given me the opportunity to recognize how fortunate I am to be a U.S. citizen.

If I’d been born somewhere else, I might not have had the opportunity to start trading with $12,415 of bar mitzvah money, which I turned into millions.*

I might not have had the opportunity to learn through winning and losing. I might not have been able to develop the “cowardly” strategy that keeps me safe today…

In no small part, I owe my lifestyle to those who have served my country.

I salute them for helping make my lifestyle a reality!

Making the Most of Your Freedom

What does freedom mean to you?

For some, freedom means the ability to work a job without a boss.

For others, it might mean being able to pay bills without worrying about whether they have enough money.

Or it might mean the ability to travel around the world as I do.

They say that money can’t buy happiness. I agree. But money can pave the way to creating a greater sense of freedom.

It can help you attain the things you want out of life.

For instance, my student Paul was able to buy his mom a house with his trading profits.*

My student Jack Kellogg, who is currently over $6.8 million in trading profits in late May 2021, recently gave his parents $100,000 to improve their lives and to thank them for giving him so much while he was growing up.*

Trading can help make dreams come true.

But there’s a big catch…

The Price of Freedom

There are no guarantees in the stock market.

Plenty of people think trading will be easy. They don’t think they have to learn how penny stocks work. So they just jump in and start trading … and usually lose money.

Hey, you’re free to blow up your account if you want.

But I prefer a different approach.

It’s not what most traders want to hear … But I believe you’ve gotta invest in your ‘knowledge account’ before worrying about making money.

Even the most successful traders lose at first. For instance, consider my latest millionaire student Dan. He’s up over $1 million in profits as of late May 2021* … But early in his career, he lost $12,000.

StocksToTrade: Massive Memorial Day Savings!

To help you make the most of the upcoming market holiday, StocksToTrade has an incredible special going on right now. new subscribers:

For just $20, you can score:

  • A 2-week trial of StocksToTrade
  • Access to STT’s Breakouts & Breakdowns chat, where two of my top students, Kyle Williams and Jack Kellogg, talk about what they’re considering trading
  • Access to STT’s Small Cap Rockets chat, featuring alerts from three top small-cap stock traders — Tim Bohen and Matthew Monaco, who were both involved in my 30-Day Trading Bootcamp, plus trader John Papa

Take advantage of this incredible offer now!

Happy Memorial Day…

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© Millionaire Media, LLC

Are you ready to make the most of this holiday weekend?

Sure, take some time to enjoy time with family and friends. Eat a hot dog or something.

But take some time to invest in your future, too … And please be mindful of what this holiday is about. Give thanks to the soldiers who helped give us the freedom to trade.

If you’re ready to get serious about trading, consider applying for the Trading Challenge.

If you’re already part of the Challenge, catch up on my Profitly videos. And be sure to take advantage of the StocksToTrade special!

What does Memorial Day mean to you? How will you spend this market holiday working to improve your trading? Leave a comment … I love hearing from you!


*Please note that any reported trading results are not typical and do not reflect the experience of the majority of individuals using our products. From January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020, typical users of the products and services offered by this website reported earning, on average, an estimated $49.91 in profit. This figure is taken from tracking user accounts on, a trading community platform. I’ve also hired Matt Monaco, Jack Kellogg, and Kyle Williams to help in my education business.

It takes years of dedication, hard work, and discipline to learn how to trade. Individual results will vary. Trading is inherently risky. Before making any trades, remember to do your due diligence and never risk more than you can afford to lose.

**Tim has a minority ownership stake in StocksToTrade.

The post Thankful to Trade Scared in the Home of the Brave appeared first on Timothy Sykes.