Small Businesses Still Struggling with No COVID Relief in Sight

COVID Relief delay coronavirus stimulus checks Political Showmanship Coronavirus vaccine

Another week of COVID-19‘s “new normal” is upon us, and the light at the end of the crisis tunnel does not appear to be getting any brighter. As President Trump and his allies turn their attention to fast-tracking the approval of a new Supreme Court justice, Americans continue to lie in wait for additional unemployment, housing, and small business support — and lawmakers aren’t offering much hope to go on.

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Congress Still Negotiating A New COVID-19 Relief Package

This Friday marks six months since Congress passed the CARES Act — the last significant piece of comprehensive legislation passed to carry the public through a crisis that continues to stretch on. A new piece in Axios today reminds us that the CARES Act was “only designed to last through the summer.” But as Congress remain at a standstill in negotiating a new COVID-19 relief package, here’s where things stand for the nation’s workers and small businesses:

The post Small Businesses Still Struggling with No COVID Relief in Sight appeared first on ValueWalk.