An independent research group called Gig Compare just published research on driver earnings if Prop 22 was to pass. In short, the company’s have been lying about Prop 22 and earnings are likely to be way below minimum wage. Gig Compare set up to bring transparency to the gig economy. This research is based on thousands of pay statements provided by workers to Gig Compare.
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Uber & Lyft Have Been Lying About Prop 22 And Minimum Wage
When I say Gig Compare is independent, that’s what it means. The No on Prop 22 campaign hasn’t paid Gig Compare a cent, unlike Uber & Lyft who pay groups like the “Berkeley Research Group” hundreds of thousands of dollars for the fake research they hire them to do.
- If Prop 22 passes, this research finds earnings for every “online hour” would be $7.61 an hour, way below California minimum wage of $13.
- After processing over 150 weekly pay statements representing 7500+ individual jobs submitted by Uber (both Eats & Rideshare), Lyft, Doordash, Grubhub and Instacart workers, we found that Prop. 22 appears to set the “Earnings Guarantee” lower than the status quo for 84% of workers, and lower than California minimum wage for 91% of workers.
- chances are that most workers would see no positive impact to earnings from Prop. 22, and for the few do, they will likely still be earning less than California minimum wage when accounting for expenses.
Would Prop 22 actually compel gig apps to pay their workers more? Don’t count on it.
GigCompare.com launched in early August with the mission of helping gig workers across the United States better understand how they are being paid. Our initial focus has been on hourly earnings estimates, using a calculator powered by actual pay statements. Over time, we plan to provide more insights into how pay differs between apps, how it changes over time, and how differences in local markets can impact earnings. We believe that easier access to this information will help workers make more informed decisions and decrease the data disparity between them and the apps they power.
Read the full article here by GigCompare, Medium
The post Prop 22 Would See Drivers Making Way Less Than Minimum Wage appeared first on ValueWalk.