Powerhouse Stocks with Smashing Results

A number of tech giants have crushed earnings expectations, something that becomes quite apparent when you look at their charts. For example, take a look at Apple (AAPL), which recently reported its numbers:

Your eyes are not deceiving you. Since the company reported its earnings on July 30, the stock rose almost 20% at its peak – in a week! That’s quite a move for a large cap stock like AAPL.

Then there’s Wayfair (W). How has that stock done the past week? Up a mere 35% at its high.

What do those two stocks have in common? They both reside in our Model Portfolio, which was established in November 2018 by EarningsBeats.com Chief Market Strategist Tom Bowley and, since its inception, is higher by 117.88% compared to the S&P of 24.55% over the same period of time. In fact, since AAPL and the latest batch of 10 stocks that beat both top and bottom line expectations, identified and hand-selected by Tom, were added to the Model portfolio this past May 19, the stock is higher by 46% and Wayfair has doubled! Not too shabby.

However, not every stock in the Model portfolio selected by Tom has fared as well. For example, take a look at the chart below on ZYNEX (ZYXI). The stock took off after it was added to the Model Portfolio – higher by 52% at its peak – only to give it all up plus some, moving lower by 14% as of Friday.

Still, as a group, the 10 stocks that make up the Model Portfolio that were added on May 19 are higher by almost 30% compared to the S&P of 14.65%. And it goes to show you that even when you have a company like ZYXI that loses steam after a great move higher, stocks like AAPL and W can easily offset the losses, especially when 8 out of the 10 stocks in the portfolio are higher since the May 19 start date.

All of this is very exciting to us especially since Tom will soon unveil his newest batch of “Top 10 Stock Picks” in 4 portfolios – 40 stocks in all. And we’re going to have a “Sneak Preview” webinar this upcoming Monday, August 10 that is open to the EarningsBeats.com community. If you would like to join us and learn more, just click here.

At your service,

John Hopkins
