Notes From Sohn Hong Kong 2020: Longs And Shorts

Sean Debow Sohn Hong Kong Virtual Conference

ValueWalk’s coverage of the he 8th Annual Sohn Hong Kong Virtual Investment Leaders Conference presented by the Karen Leung Foundation can be found below.

The Karen Leung Foundation is proud to present the 8th Annual Sohn Hong Kong Virtual Investment Leaders Conference as a part of the virtual SohnX initiative. As with every year, the conference brings together Asia’s leading investors to support the fight against gynecological and pediatric cancers by promoting research, education, prevention and optimal treatment. To address travel and social gathering restrictions, the main sessions of the event was live streamed.

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The Conference is a must-attend event as it provides a forum for successful professional investors to present a market view or investment idea, allowing attendees to gain valuable insights from leaders in the field.

Speakers pitched long and short ideas for companies located in Asia, the US and other places. We have some coverage of the various presentations. Click on the links below to access them!


Our Coverage Of The 8th Annual Sohn Hong Kong Virtual Investment Leaders Conference

Once again thanks to Sohn Hong Kong for providing us with a media pass and support so we could cover the event.

The post Notes From Sohn Hong Kong 2020: Longs And Shorts appeared first on ValueWalk.