New Study Reveals The Places Most Interested In Stocks And Trading Worldwide

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  • New analysis reveals Singapore as the country most interested in stocks and trading in the past year.
  • India and Canada are the second and third countries Googling stock-related terms the most.
  • The United States ranks as the fourth country most interested in stocks, with the United Kingdom ninth in the ranking.

Singapore is the most stock-obsessed country in the world, a new study reveals.

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The study, carried out by UK financial services provider CMC Markets, examined Google Trends data of search terms frequently used by people interested in stocks and trading. These terms were then combined to give each English-speaking country a ‘total search score’ to discover which countries have been the most interested in stocks in the past 12 months.

The Top 10 Countries Most Interested In Stocks And Trading Worldwide

Country ‘Stocks’ ‘Buy stocks’ ‘Invest in stocks ‘Stock market’ ‘Interest rate’ ‘Day trading’ ‘Swing trading’ Total search score
1. Singapore 100 100 61 72 100 71 51 555
2. India 70 79 45 91 78 35 94 492
3. Canada 84 78 91 68 50 54 37 462
4. United States 65 71 100 100 30 61 26 453
5. United Arab Emirates 47 57 55 53 31 57 74 374
6. Australia 40 33 52 37 47 100 29 338
7. South Africa 22 22 40 13 43 60 54 254
8. New Zealand 34 30 52 29 24 49 27 245
9. United Kingdom 40 28 48 25 27 34 22 224
10. Nigeria 13 20 31 18 16 45 75 218

Search data compiled from Google Trends.

The study revealed that Singapore ranks highest as the country most interested in stocks and trading. With a total search score of 555 out of a possible 700, Singapore topped the list for its population having the highest search levels for the phrases ‘stocks’, ‘buy stocks’, and ‘interest rate’ worldwide. Additionally, the population of Singapore search for ‘stock market’ the third most worldwide, behind the United States and India.

India is second on the list with a total search score of 492. India has the second-highest proportion of its population searching for both the phrases ‘stock market’ and ‘swing trading’ placing the country second in the ranking.

Canada places as the third country most interested in stocks worldwide. The North American country has the second-highest level of searches for the term ‘invest in stocks’, in addition to being the country searching for ‘buy stocks’ the third most worldwide, giving Canada a total search score of 462.

The United States places fourth overall. With a total search score of 453 out of a possible 700, the USA has the highest level of searches for both terms ‘invest in stocks’ and ‘stock market’, and the fourth-highest level of searches for the term ‘buy stocks’.

The United Arab Emirates places fifth in the ranking, with a total search score of 374. The study revealed that the UAE has the fourth-highest search levels for the term ‘swing trading’ and is the fifth country most interested in ‘day trading’.

Australia is sixth on the list with a total search score of 338. Australia has the sixth-highest proportion of its population searching for the phrase ‘invest in stocks’ and is interestingly the country most interested in ‘day trading’ worldwide, meaning that they may like to hold their stocks for the shortest period of time!

The top ten is rounded out by South Africa ranking in seventh place and New Zealand in eighth, followed by the United Kingdom and Nigeria in ninth and tenth place, respectively.

The study was conducted by CMC Markets, a UK-based financial services company that offers online derivative trading products such as spread betting and contracts for difference across world markets such as shares and foreign exchange. Find out more here.