New California Financial Watchdog Would Take Aim At Predatory Lenders Amid Pandemic

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Lawmakers in California are streaming for new financial protection making. They would like to have it by the end of the month. Under Trump’s administration, the main regulator of federal activities has been paralyzed. During the pandemic, it was even harder to survive the financial straits and scams. There are even companies for now who are lying to the vulnerable people that they will help them to get out of the debt and they are asking for their money to help them but it is all scams and wrongdoing. Federal consumer financial protection is rarely returning their lost money to consumers, so the protection from them dropped by 96%. People started to help themselves and do all protection work by themselves because the government is not doing anything productive anymore.

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Coronavirus scams and financial protection

Due to the popular demand of the people, FTC is trying to begin a program that will overview the coronavirus-related scams targeting older adults. This program will allow people to gain more information about the offerings because if there will be no regulations, people will lose more money. On Friday, California created what supporters call its nation-leading version of the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau because there is no other way to protect people from the crisis. The current department regulates everything related to the money somehow. Debt settlement, credit repair, over debt collectors, cashing services, credit reporting, retail sales, and every vital financial process will have some additional authority.

This will certainly boost consumer protection by expanding the department’s capacity to require clarity in the state’s financial system which will provide improvements in equal access to affordable credit.

How small businesses are reacting

Well, it is a fact that a bad loan and aggressive debt collector can easily drop someone in poverty. People are already starting to bankrupt and lose their homes at the most unfortunate possible times when tomorrow is very unclear and the public health crisis is booming. When small companies first heard about this news, the group of them said that they also were thinking of the new agencies to have, to feel more secure and protected from predatory financial companies and activities which are very popular at this time and age.

Surprisingly, financial firms are never fans of the news which is based on additional regulations, but now everyone is happy about the new agency policing because some of the banks in California are also experiencing fatal problems with financial institutions.

There is also a great need to inform people that there are call centers and online web pages that are trying to take people for granted and ask them for their bank accounts to steal more money from them. The thing is, most of them are calling vulnerable elderly people who have no information about these activities and are trying to make some money to pay their bills and debts. Greater regulations are needed to ensure people that their funds and savings are well protected.

Financial firms have some fear of some lawmakers and this is a huge problem for the state and the whole country. The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s former director is saying that he doesn’t think that the legislature should make it more troublesome for people to get their money back after being tricked by unfair means. Agencies need some tough financial watchdog agency of their own to have some extra protection.

The financial reform law needs to promise that there would be some financial protection at the federal level. There should be room for consumer financial protection at the state level too. They need to work together because if each of them is not co-working well, then there will be no big difference in this situation in the long term. Technically, the new agency will be created to help people and businesses to expand the size and authority of existing agencies. The state-level agencies will be critical for California families. A new agency will make many investigations to oversee financial institutions and punish everyone who is making the money in the wrong ways. Consumer reports are saying that the state’s new agency will provide the nation’s strongest protections in the area and people will be calmer during the times of need. The situation is hard enough for the people, so the government should take care of the people by all means.

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