My Daily Five: The Ultimate S&P 500 Chart And Four Strong Setups From This Week’s “10 I’m Stalking”

It’s always a true pleasure to kick off the week by hosting a new episode of “Your Daily Five”. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – this is without a doubt one of my favorite shows of the many we’re running these days on StockCharts TV. With a different host every day of the week, the show delivers a concise, action-packed daily rundown of the five most important charts that you need to be watching, always with a new perspective and a bucket full of insights from some of the most skilled technicians out there.

Check out today’s edition of “Your Daily Five” below:

On today’s edition, I got us going with what I call my “Ultimate S&P 500 Chart”. In addition to a look at the price action on the index, the chart includes eight of the key market metrics that I watch closely every week:

  • Breadth (Percentage of S&P 500 stocks above their 200-day Moving Average)
  • Offense vs. Defense (XLY:XLP)
  • Growth vs. Value (SPYG:SPYV)
  • Momentum vs. the S&P 500 (MTUM:SPY)
  • Large Caps vs. Mid Caps (SPY:MDY)
  • Large Caps vs. Small Caps (SPY:SLY)
  • S&P 500 Equal Weight vs. Cap Weight ($SPXEW:$SPX)
  • Stocks vs. Bonds (SPY:TLT)

After a quick review of where we stand on one of the market’s most important indexes, I dove into a few individual ideas from this week’s “10 I’m Stalking” list. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably know that every Sunday, I put out a list of 10 setups I’m watching closely. So on this week’s show, I highlighted a few specific stocks that not only look strong technically, but also tick some of my top “Theme Trade” boxes – cybersecurity, streaming and digital payments. When I see a stock that fits into a clear business theme that I’m bullish on AND it starts to show technical strength on the chart, I pay very close attention. On today’s show, I took a closer look at four examples:

CRWD – Crowdstrike

ROKU – Roku

RPD – Rapid7

V – Visa

Money In, Eyes Open.

– Grayson Roze

VP of Operations,

Author, Trading for Dummies (Wiley, 2017)

Author, Tensile Trading: The 10 Essential Stages of Stock Market Mastery (Wiley, 2016)
