Event-Driven Monitor

KEDM predictions for 2021 Future Value Capital Asset Pricing Model ESG Best In Class Activist Campaign South Korea Engine No. 1 Shareholder Litigation Overseas Aid Nasdaq all-time high ten best investors ever Enterprise Diversified National Deficits financial heart attack Forensic Investigation Silver Point Safe Withdrawal Rates

Dear Friends,

Over the years, I have frequently traded Event-Driven situations, dozens of which I have profitably profiled on this site. As value investing has stopped “working,” I have spent an increasing amount of my time focused on these situations, especially as the influx of retail day-traders and the growth of passive investing has led these situations to work surprisingly well. Along the way, I quickly realized that I missed stuff. “Awww shit…, that was this week?!?” or “If I had known about that, of course I would have played it.”

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Leaving money on the table is not a recipe for success and early this summer, I hired a good friend to help me systematize the information and ensure that I missed less. Instead, to my horror, I only realized how many more incredible set-ups I had missed over the years. I also realized just how time intensive it is to take raw data and curate it into something useful (part of why I hadn’t built systems previously). Many data-sets are widely available but highly picked over (like US spin-offs), which is partly responsible for less return potential in recent years. The more lucrative opportunities come from data that must be aggregated manually, before being curated into something useful. As you can imagine, this all takes manpower and resources, both of which have to be paid for.


My greatest resource in investing is my friend-network and what started as a bunch of excel spreadsheets has grown up into a PDF named KEDM (Kuppy’s Event-Driven Monitor) for lack of a better name. I’ve been circulating KEDM for a few months amongst an expanding group and using the feedback to refine the data. My friends have been amazing in terms of flagging stuff that I’ve missed, along with suggesting new data-series, “Kuppy, I’ve always wondered about this. Is it possible to generate the data as I cannot find it on Bloomberg?”

What started as a humble project has continued to expand in scope and we now have a backlog of data-sets that we intend to aggregate and curate. Some of it is unusually Alpha-rich and some of it is rubbish—unfortunately you don’t know which until you distill it. In any case, given the feedback and suggestions from friends, along with my desire to expand this project from US markets into liquid international markets where similar dynamics are at play, yet less picked over, I have come to realize that I need to turn this into something of a business if it is to have the resources needed to hire the appropriate people.

The investment world has a bad habit of launching free products and then surprising you with a paywall. I want to be as clear as possible that KEDM has to have a paywall if it is to grow into its potential—meanwhile this site, Adventures in Capitalism, will remain free with the same ad hoc publishing schedule that has endured for over a decade now. I also realize that KEDM is a unique animal and it isn’t going to be useful for many readers of this site. As a result, I intend to offer a free trial as we continue to work out the kinks and add new data-sets in real time, giving you a chance to figure out if KEDM is right for you.

Unlike many paid newsletters, KEDM is unique in that it doesn’t make any recommendations or offer any investment or trade ideas. Instead, it intends to simply flag actionable events that readers would have otherwise missed. My sincerest hope is that two sophisticated investors can look at the same data and take opposing positions based on divergent investment timelines, while both profiting from KEDM flagging the event for them.  Many of my most successful ideas over the past half-year have shown up in KEDM weeks before they showed up on this site—I assume that this trend will accelerate. For those of you willing to put in the time, there’s a wealth of actionable information contained within KEDM.

Once again, KEDM is meant for experienced and sophisticated investors. If you believe that those words define you, please klick below and subscribe to start the KEDM journey. As always, we will never sell your data and you can unsubscribe at any time. Building KEDM over the past half-year has dramatically increased my returns and I hope it does the same for you. I see a world of data still to harvest. I hope you come along for the ride.



P.S. My good friends at The Market Huddle had me on over the weekend to chat about KEDM. CLICK HERE to listen. My segment starts at 1:09:30 and I start talking about KEDM at the 1:20:00 mark. Of course, Market Huddle is always great and I recommend you listen to the whole thing…

Article by Adventures In Capitalism

The post Event-Driven Monitor appeared first on ValueWalk.