Entering the Shark Tank: The Best Blogs for Getting to Know Venture Capital

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Entering the Shark Tank is not an aspiration shared by every entrepreneur, yet in many cases, involving VC’s can have key impact on the success of the business. This is not just because of funding – but the professional experience VC’s can bring to the table. Great companies like Linkedin and Airbnb would never have taken off was it not for venture capital.

Depending on who you are, your background, and how you perceive the world, you will have a different approach to making money. However, you will find that making money is a process that follows the same basic principles everywhere. To make sure that you understand these principles and are capable of using them to your advantage, you need a lot of knowledge.

As it happens, there is one group of extremely skilled people in the art of investing money and are also willing to teach other people about it. We are talking about venture capitalists, people who spend their lives finding good deals and making money. While in the past, learning from them would have meant getting a hard-to-find apprenticeship or buying a book, the knowledge is pretty much available for free now on the internet. There are several blogs that you can explore if you want to learn more about venture capital.

A Smart Bear

If you have not heard the name Jason Cohen in the investment world, then you are in for a real treat. He is a man who has done just about everything, including bootstrapping, startup founding, investing, and even direct mentoring. He shares his knowledge and experience on his website. You will find information ranging from investments, subscriptions, company culture, and even marketing. There is excellent content for people looking to get into or are already in the subscription business.


AVC is not only one of the best venture capitalist blogs on the internet, but it is also a great community of intelligent readers and contributors. What you get in this blog is everything you need to gain sufficient knowledge about successful VC operations. In addition to that, there is a plethora of life and business advice and real-life experience regarding starting and running tech startups. While you will enjoy the content on the website, you will enjoy the community’s comments on each blog ever since Fred Wilson started publishing in 2003.

M13 Community

The motto of this venture capital blog and community is “built by founders for founders.” It is an incredible source of knowledge for people launching businesses. There are some fantastic people on this platform, and all of them have the experience of creating successful startups and making them grow into successful companies that are still running. You get a lot of direct insight and help regarding running your operations and learn every single day. It is a platform unlike any other.

Above the Crowd

Sometimes you do not need to read every single word that someone writes every single day to become a successful VC. Bill Gurley may not have the habit or even the time to publish articles every day. But when he does post something, it is long and comprehensive and contains a ton of knowledge about the kind of mindset successful venture capitalists have. You will find tons of practical experience on this website, and it is certainly worth checking out.


There are many other blogs out there that provide complete knowledge regarding venture capitalism and how you can become a VC. Try out the blogs mentioned here to build your appetite, and we are sure you will be satisfied with what you find here.


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