Cruz’s demand for ‘school choice’ may derail coronavirus stimulus checks

school choice cruz coronavirus stimulus checks cruz

The chances of Congress sending another round of stimulus checks are already slim. Now if reports are to be believed, one senator could derail the next coronavirus stimulus package and checks. Sen. Ted Cruz is reportedly pushing for one new addition to the relief package that many believe could endanger the next round of coronavirus stimulus checks.

How can Cruz derail coronavirus stimulus checks?

According to CNN, Cruz pushed hard for a “school choice” plan at the Senate Republican Conference. Cruz wants billions of dollars in tax cuts for private schools. This idea, referred to as “school choice,” was first raised by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

Basically, the “school choice” program aims to provide more choice to parents in terms of where they want to send their kids to school. The idea asks for funding for parochial, charter, and private schools and home-school programs.

The proposal put forth by Cruz specifically asks for full reimbursement for donations to state-based nonprofit scholarship funds. Such a proposal would make tuition and other education expenses in non-public K-12 schooling affordable for parents.

Those against the idea argue that all the funding the proposal is asking for could end up being used by existing public schools to improve their financial situations.

Cruz’s “school choice” plan has little support among lawmakers. Reports suggest Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants the Senate to focus on the stimulus package and other popular ideas as Election Day nears.

Cruz is reportedly threatening to vote against stimulus legislation if it doesn’t include “school choice.” Many believe Cruz’s stance could endanger the next round of coronavirus checks.

McConnell needs support of all

It has long been known that McConnell will need every Republican’s support to pass the next stimulus package. After McConnell introduced the $1 trillion HEALS Act in July, there were reports of a revolt within the Senate. It was reported that several Republicans had raised question about the size, scope and contents of the proposal.

This lack of support from some Republicans is seen as one of the reasons why the GOP is reportedly preparing a scaled-down proposal costing about $500 billion. It is very likely that this scaled-down proposal will be blocked by Senate Democrats, but it could at least get all Republicans together and give them some leverage in the negotiations.

Thus, McConnell would not want to lose Cruz’s support at such a time. However, getting him on board would mean agreeing to “school choice, “but that would further raise the cost of the stimulus package. This again, may endanger the next round of stimulus checks.

Meanwhile, after reports that Cruz could endanger the next round of coronavirus stimulus checks, people took to social media to express their anger.

“This guy wants to use our tax dollars for his religious crusade, but not find public schools? #CruzMustGo #DumpCruz,” one user tweeted.

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