NOTE: If you are not familiar with Tanta, please read about her here. You will be happy you did – she was amazing.

Click on Pig for larger image in new window.
A special present for UberNerds – an unpublished Tanta post written Dec 31, 2007: (I did post this for Christmas once before)
Pig Rulz
There have been some misconceptions in the comments about Mortgage Pig™. I do not wish to enter a new year on the wrong track.Mortgage Pig™ does not have a “name” except Mortgage Pig™. Assertions about Mortgage Pig™’s “name,” “address,” “job,” “significant other,” or favorite swill are not canonical. Anyone who asserts knowledge of such things in any communication, written or otherwise, is creating an Internet Urban Legend. Next thing you know they’ll be telling you that you can Get Rich Qwik in RE investing.
And from Tanta’s 2007 Post: A Very Nerdy Christmas (see her post for an explanation of the origins of the Mortgage Pig™)

Happy Holidays to all! CR