5 Tips For SMBs For The Unique 2021 Marketplace

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Tips for SMBs to succeed this winter, and how to win in the 2021 marketplace

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Marketing expert Jay Ives has a list of  five bulletproof marketing tips for small businesses to succeed during this winter’s heightened Covid-19 restrictions. When the pandemic hit, Mr. Ives saw the toll it took on businesses throughout the SF Bay Area, spurring him to provide his marketing services pro bono to SMBs during the initial lockdown in the spring of 2020.

All year, American businesses have been struggling to update their operations adjusting for the pandemic’s effects and its impact on the economy long term. Many of the issues Jay encountered are resurfacing during the most recent uptick in cases across the country. Businesses need to modernize, taking into account the dominance of digital platforms for outreach and visibility.

How Business Owners Can Position Themselves For The Unique 2021 Marketplace

Mr. Ives is an expert on high impact marketing solutions, having worked with all types of companies: big and small, Fortune 500s and startups, as founder of Jives Media. His experiences in the last year helping SMBs has allowed Jay to develop a simple list of best practices that can maximize small business success despite Covid related restrictions and the cold weather, positioning owners for the unique 2021 marketplace:

  1. Embrace innovation:Technological leaps forward come in times of disruption. Look at the gaps/needs around you. Identify the right services/products and implement them.
  2. Small investments can pay big dividends: Optimize your Google My Business and Yelp profiles, implement SEO best practices and leverage social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in particular.
  3. Let data guide your decisions:Track and measure success. Set key performance indicators to define what success looks like. Use the data you collect to optimize your return on marketing investment.
  4. Add a personal touch:Maintain and strengthen connections by sending handwritten notes and personalized emails to valued customers. Post about your staff on social media, thanking customers for supporting your business and your employees.
  5. Build relationships virtually: Embrace building and strengthening relationships with your customers online. Stay open, honest, and consider their point of view when communicating with your customers.

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